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Tega SpillEx Brochure

Tega SpillEx Brochure

Tega innovated SPILL-EX skirt sealing system (Indian patent NO. 175838 & US patent no.

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Tega Ultimo CenTrax® Brochure

CenTrax Brochure

A mistracked belt may lead to many problems including belt damage, conveyor frame damage & spillage of material on the floor leading to unsafe working environment.

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Tega DynaMax Brochure

DynaMax Brochure

The DynaMax® range of mill linings are a core product range of Tega Industries who have lined more than 500 grinding mills globally in SAG, AG, Ball, Primary and Secondary milling applications. 

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Tega Screen Brochure

Screen Brochure

Tega Industries Limited is a name synonymous with pioneering achievement in the mineral beneficiation, mining and bulk solids handling industries world over.

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Tega Spill Ex-1 - Conveyor Component Brochure

Tega-Spill-Ex-1-Conveyor-Component Brochure

When the material falls on the belt, it remains agitated and needs to be guided up to a certain distance till it gets stabilized.

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Tega SpillEx Ceramic Pulley Lagging - Conveyor Component Brochure

Slip-ex-Ceramic-Pulley-Lagging-Conveyor-Component Brochure

Lagging of the conveyor pulley is essential to improve conveyor belt performance.

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Tega Friflo Impact Pads Conveyor Component Brochure

Friflo-Impact-Pads-1-Conveyor-Component Brochure

The Tega Friflo Impact Pad is a fusion of three different layers. The top layer is made of UHMWPE - for smooth gliding of the conveyor belt.

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Tega Ultimo CenTrax® Catalogue - Conveyor Component Brochure

CenTrax-Catalogue-Conveyor-Component Brochure

A mistracked belt may lead to many problems including belt damage, conveyor frame damage & spillage of material on the floor leading to unsafe working environment.

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Tega Jumbo Leaflet Conveyor Component Brochure

JUMBO-LEAFLET-AW-Conveyor-Component Brochure

The conventional impact idlers, sheathed in rubber sleeves or rings, are not always sufficient to absorb the impact energy of the heavy falling materials at the loading zone of the conveyor.

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Tega Ceradisc Leaflet Updated - Conveyor Component Brochure

TEGA_Ceradisc_Leaflet-Updated-04-10-2018-Conveyor-Component Brochure

In a belt conveyor the return roller are provided to carry the belt and do not allow it to sag.

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Tega Eco Flip Skirt Sealing Conveyor - Component Brochure

Tega-Eco-Flip-Skirt-Sealing-Conveyor-Component Brochure

Tega Eco-Flip Sealing System is an eco-friendly
skirt sealing.

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Tega Hydrocyclone Brochure

Tega-Hydrocyclone Brochure

Tega hydrocyclones represents the next generation of hydrocyclones. Equipped with world-class technology.

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Tega Single Wing Skirt Sealing - Conveyor Component Brochure

TEGA-SINGLE-WING-SKIRT-SEALING-Conveyor-Component Brochure

Tega Single-Wing Skirt Sealing is a dual sealing system. It maintains an effective seal reducing the efforts of servicing.

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Tega WC Catalogue Wear Products Brochure

WC-Catalogue-Wear-Products Brochure

Conventionally, mild steel, case hardened steel plates or stainless steel plates are used as lining material.

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Tega Wear Flow Solutions - Wear Products Brochure

Wear-Flow-Solutions-Eng-Wear-Products Brochure

Tega Industries Limited (Tega), a pioneer in the field of specialized wear-resistant products, began operations in 1976.

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