Laser Scanning


Tega Scanning Solutions is a specialize service, offering premium laser scan and analysis of ore, grinding mills and wear components to the mining industry.

The company specializes in wear tracking and analysis of SAG, Ball, and Rod mill liners. The use of state of the art terrestrial data collection and analysis technology is an integral part of the business. Implementation of a quality control and assurance program is also a focus for a high quality product.

Utilizing formulas derived from present and historical data, the liner wear forecast dates are predicted with high accuracy. This allows the client to reline the mill exactly when needed, saving money on mill downtime, reducing overall milling costs, and using the liners to their full potential.

Tega Scanning Solutions has working experience at many international mine sites, including;

  • Foskor (South Africa)
  • Rand Gold – Kibali (DRC)
  • Goldfields Cerro Corona (Peru)
  • Lakeshore Gold (Canada)
  • Boliden Tara Mine (Ireland)
  • Masbate Gold Project (Philippines)

If you would like to learn more about Tega Scanning Solutions please click here

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